
Prevent corruption, Bank Jabar Banten Gratification Unit Forms

Bank Jabar Banten (BJB) will form the control unit of gratification in order to prevent the occurrence of corruption, collusion and nepotism in the body of the regional development banks. "The unit controller gratuity will soon be formed, the beginning of April 2011 was able to effectively supervise and control the graft," said Director of BJB H Agus Ruswendi after penanatanganan shared commitment control program gratification (PPG) and the extension of State Organizers Wealth Report (LHKPN) KPK by BJB in Bandung, on Friday.
Agus said, BJB has prepared three personnel who will be placed in Unit Pengedalian Gratification bank. In addition, his side prepare for their duties and functions to work effectively and right on target.According to Agus, the unit will be assigned to receive, process and report to the KPK gratification. The reporting process gratification, in accordance with the Act must be reported no later than 30 days.

In addition, BJB also expand mandatory reporting of property wealth of 77 officials 900s BJB become officers and employees in order to enhance transparency and support the State Operator Wealth Report (LHKPN).
Meanwhile KPK deputy chairman Haryono Umar appreciate BJB step in curbing graft and expanding wealth reporting obligations that its officials. "Gratification is not something that is forbidden, but it should be reported as potentially encourage graft and corruption," said Hary.
He said institutions such as banks are very vulnerable to graft and corruption that lead to bribery. For that we need a commitment to reduce and control graft. "Gratuities can not be measured by themselves, should be reported to the Commission. Determination of whether or not the gratuity is authorized the Commission, can not decide for themselves. So it was a set of state-owned or private as well as by the KPK," said Haryono Umar.
According to him, on gratuities in an agency does not need to be directly reporting to the Commission but can be done through an internal watchdog unit or units (SPI) in their respective institutions with the provisions of a maximum of 30 days. (Republika)

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