
Soon the Allied blockade Libyan Sea

Britain, the United States and France would block the sea Libya to limit the movement of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Libyan sea blockade needs to be placed in a special place, which aim to cover the supply of arms to Khadhafi.
"I believe sea blockade will last," said Deputy Secretary of Defense James Gerald Douglas Howarth in Jakarta, Friday March 25, 2011. "To ensure that the supply of guns does not go into Khadhafi. Because no UN embargo in place."
UN Security Council resolution asserts that this blockade is necessary as a legal step in conducting field operations. "There is an obligation to do so, and required surgery. In law it is true."

Civil Attack DeniedThe British military denied attacking civilians Libya. Howarth who met while attending the closing of the Jakarta Interntional Defense Dialogue at the Jakarta Convention Centre stated, the presence of British troops just to protect civilians.
"We sent two planes 1500 miles from England, to attack military targets in Libya. At the last minute the pilot saw civilians, they turn around and go home, they did not drop bombs. The overall objective is to protect the civilian population," he said.
British and coalition countries have agreed to take this step to help the civilian population of Libya who are oppressed and attacked by Gaddafi.
James asserts that the actions of this coalition is not a NATO operation, but the country joined in the coalition are willing to support the UN implement UN resolution 1973. "NATO will not lead the operation but it does provide some necessary facilities," he said.
And what about the authority of a member of the Coalition? "That's what is being discussed, as we speak, there is a conference in Londonon Tuesday, where Foreign Ministers from the political negotiations. It has to be decided, but is complicated and will take time, "he said.
Since the entry of coalition forces fighter jets the United Nations Security Council consisting of the United States, Britain and France, the more severe damage in Libya.
Coalition soldiers reportedly began to expand the zone of attack and targeting some vital point of the Libyan defense. Among others who have destroyed the artillery, tanks, ammunition bunkers and several helicopters that was parked in a Libyan air force base.
French troops, consisting of aircraft Rafales and Mirage 2000s, patrolling the air Misurata, Libya's strategic areas for the defense. France also reported to have bombed air base on the coast of Libya.
Meanwhile, the British air force consisting of the Tornado and Typhoon jet aircraft was reported to have completed destruction of 59 missions in Libya. Armed with anti-tank bombs and high accuracy tracking, British troops conduct missions at night. (VivaNews)

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