
Visum Two Different, Please Ask Doctor

What really makes life Irzen Octa floated in the office of Citibank, March 29, 2011 and then, still a mystery. Is it true that the violence done debt collectors (debt collectors) or he dies naturally.
The family questioned the autopsy results of two letters which appeared in the day, date, and at the same time. But the result is different. The family today visited the South Jakarta Police station, demanding repeated vise. How police respond?
Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Comr Bahrudin Djafar said the autopsy report could have been re-done. However, "Not the families who have authority, but the investigator. What can be done again or not, it is not the authority of the family, because visum et repertum only to investigators," he said, Tuesday, April 12, 2011.

Problem report different results, according to Baharudin, examination results could not be there in two. Then the results of two? "That's not our capacity to answer, please ask the doctor in question, why remove the two vise simultaneously with different results," he said. The police, obviously Baharudin, will conduct further investigations concerning this matter.
Added to him, about the involvement of persons with Citibank, the police will continue investigating. "Including see the agreement or MOU between the debt collector with Citibank," he added. "We see the deal first, if there are indications of involvement would be processed."
Previously, the family lawyer Irzen Octa, OC Kaligis autopsy results showed the two letters with different results.
The first autopsy, he said, shows there are abrasions on the nose due to blunt violence, as well as signs of suffocation. On the first sheet of this, because surely Irzen death can not be determined before surgical examination bodies.
While the results of the second autopsy said that the cause of death was the rupture of blood vessels in the chamber beneath the membrane of the brain and brain hard to suppress the brain stem. These results must be confirmed through further laboratory examination.
Kaligis questioned the autopsy results of these different. "Bruising of the brain stem that should be known after the post-mortem. How could the same time there are two conflicting vise," he said. (VivaNews)

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